Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Visual Studio 2008 can’t be installed because Microsoft Visual Studio Web Authoring Component

Today I’ve tried to install Visual Studio 2008 on Windows 7 and it wasn’t easy. The installer was abnormally exited while it was trying to install “Microsoft Visual Studio Web Authoring Component”.

The installation log was: DepCheck indicates Microsoft Visual Studio Web Authoring Component is not installed

I thought VS was incompatible with Windows 7, but I checked it and it can works without issues on Windows 7. The problem was Office 2007. I don’t know really why, but uninstalling Office, installing VS and reinstalling Office seemed to solve the problem.

If you’ve any explanation, please share it, cause I have no fucking clue.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

I’ve finished my exams!

Today I’ve had my Human Computer Interaction Design exam. It has been the last exam of the semester, so since now I’m a free man.

Next semester will start on 9th of February... so I only have less than a week. Well, it is more than nothing :)

Monday, February 2, 2009

IPod Touch Second Generation (2G) Jailbreak: RedSn0w

Couple of days ago, I said that one workaround for the need of a license in order to develop iPhone / iPod Touch applications could be the Jailbreak. Unfortunately I’ve a second generation one and there was no Jailbreak available. Well, that has change, but not so much.

Many sites around the Internet are talking about a new Jailbreaking method for the second generation iPod Touch, called Tethered RedSn0w. However there is a little bit of confusion outside about the drawbacks of this method.

It’s absolutely true, there is a jailbreaking for second generation iPod Touch, but this method requires you to connect the iPod to a computer and perform the jailbreaking every single time the iPod boots. You can put it into sleep mode without problem, it is only necessary if you turn it off and on again.

This is an important drawback for me, so I’ll wait until they found another way. Besides, there is no official support for this Jailbreaking. However, I’m really confident in their skills and quite sure we will see a better method in the next couple months.

Doubtless Chronic and iPhone-dev team have done a great work and they are still working on redsn0w to eliminate this annoying drawback. Good luck guys!

Sorry about the lack of updates

For some reason, I forgot I had this blog here and I’ve been updating only

I truly encourage you to use the address showed above, but now I realize I also have this one, I’ll keep it up to date.

Sorry for any inconvenience :(